Koronea - nasza działalność - rozwój kompetencji
Developing competences
We are able to provide effective support thanks to our experienced team of people with a wide range of abilities gained through many years of work and targeted training. The Koronea team manages assets with a combined value of 4bn złotys. This is possible due to a conscious process of handing over decision-making powers and freedom when realising goals. For us it’s people that count, not just results. Thanks to a unique interfunctional management programme, we enable competences to be acquired that could previously only be gained through many years of study and experience in relevant positions.
Koronea - nasza działalność - filozofia działania
Philosophy of action
Koronea is a conscious and active investor. This means that not only do we productively support our projects financially, but above all we help through ongoing assistance in creating a business strategy and day-to-day consultancy on how to realise it. Our goal is long-term cooperation and collaboration at every possible level serving to achieve the goals set and generate results from the forecasts adopted.
Koronea - nasza działalność - stabilne finanse
Stable finances
What matters to us are measurable results, which is why we aim for a constant financial surplus for all investments while simultaneously maintaining the financial risk at a stable level.
Koronea - nasza działalność - dywersyfikacja i synergia
Diversification and synergy
We are constantly yet responsibly diversifying the portfolio of sectors in which we are active. In addition, we aim to achieve synergy among the entities which we manage, enabling the exchange of experiences and competences in order to obtain the best possible results and benefits.